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J Korean Sleep Res Soc > Volume 1(2); 2006 > Article
J Korean Sleep Res Soc. 2006;1(2):50-53.         doi: https://doi.org/10.13078/jksrs.04019
시상하부를 침범한 다발성경화증 환자에서 발생한 증후성 기면증
신원철, 김대성, 신동진
1가천의과대학교 신경과
2부산대학교 의과대학 신경과
Symptomatic Narcolepsy associated with Lesion of Hypothalamus in Multiple Sclerosis
Won Chul Shin, Dae-Sung Kim, Dong Jin Shin
1Department of Neurology, Gachon Medical School
2Department of Neurology, Pusan National University School of Medicine*
Corresponding Author: Won Chul Shin ,Tel: +82-32-460-3437, Fax: +82-32-460-3344, Email: shinwc@ghil.com
Received: December 5, 2004   Accepted: December 17, 2004   Published online: December 31, 2004
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We report a rare case of multiple sclerosis(MS) with hypothalamic lesions. A 33-year-old man with long history of MS was admitted with acute hypersomnia. He did not have sleep paralysis, hypnagogic hallucination, or cataplexy. Brain MRI showed a new plaque in both hypothalamus and thalamus. Polysomnography revealed severe obstructive sleep apnea syndrome. On the multiple sleep latency test(MSLT), average sleep latency was 54 seconds and there were noted 3 SOREM(Sleep Onset REM) on 5 trial. His sleepiness improved following treatment with steroid and methylphenidate. 4 month later, follow-up polysomnography and MSLT were performed. There were no differences in API during full night polysomnography but no SOREM in MSLT was observed.
Keywords: narcolepsy | multiple sclerosis | polysomnography | multiple sleep latency test(MSLT)
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