혼돈을 보이는 각성 - 사건수면인가, 간질발작인가? |
이서영, 김남희, 김동욱 |
1강원대학교 신경과 2동국대학교 신경과 3건국대학교 신경과 |
Confusional Arousal - Parasomnia or Seizure? |
Seo-Young Lee, Nam-Hee Kim, Dong Wook Kim |
1Department of Neurology, Kangwon National University 2Dongguk University 3Konkuk University |
Corresponding Author:
Dong Wook Kim ,Tel: +82-2-2030-7562, Fax: +82-2-2030-7749, Email: mabubssa@medimail.co.kr |
Received: December 13, 2008 Accepted: December 27, 2008 Published online: December 31, 2008 |
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Background: Confusional arousal is common and usually considered benign. However, nocturnal epilepsy should be ruled out because there are many overlaps between parasomnia and nocturnal epilepsy.
Methods: We searched the patients who underwent video-EEG monitoring for diagnosis of confusional arousal. Initial and final diagnostic impressions and clinical courses were reviewed.
Results: Among the four cases of confusional arousal, two cases turned out to be parasomnia, and the other two to be epilepsy. The diagnosis was open to debate in all cases, before or even after video-EEG monitoring.
Conclusion: Differentiation between parasomnia and nocturnal epilepsy is diagnostic challenge. Both clinical features and ictal monitoring with EEG covering the whole scalp are necessary for diagnosis.
Parasomnia | Seizure | Confusional arousal |