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Prediction of Sleep Disorder From Actigraphy Data Using Deep Learning
Objectives: The aim of this study was to classify polysomnography (PSG)-based sleep disorders using actigraphy data using a convolutional neural network (CNN). Methods: Actigraphy data, PSG data, and diagnoses were obtained from 214 patients from a single-center sleep clinic. P...
Quantitative Spectral Analysis of Waking Electroencephalography in Patients With Moderate to Severe Obstructive Sleep Apnea and Excessive Daytime Sleepiness: A Case–Control Matched Pilot Study
Objectives: This study aims to examine the differences in spectral analysis of waking electroencephalography (EEG) patterns between patients with moderate to severe obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) experiencing excessive daytime sleepiness (EDS) and matched healthy participants, to...
Evaluation of Sleep Patterns and Chronotypes in Spanish Women With Fibromyalgia Syndrome: A Descriptive Cross-Sectional Study
Objectives: This study aimed to investigate sleep patterns and chronotypes in Spanish women diagnosed with fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS). Methods: A descriptive, cross-sectional observational study following the Strengthening the Reporting of Observational Studies in Epidemiology...
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eISSN : 2384-2431
pISSN : 2384-2423
Current Issue
Volume 21(2); August 2024
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Obstructive Sleep Apnea in Women
Samia Ayub, Christine HJ Won
J Sleep Med. 2019;16(2):75-80.   Published online December 31, 2019
DOI: https://doi.org/10.13078/jsm.190047
                           Cited By 20
수면척도와 수면위생
Yong-Won Cho
J Korean Sleep Res Soc. 2004;1(1):12-23.   Published online June 30, 2004
DOI: https://doi.org/10.13078/jksrs.04003
         Cited By 17
Predictors for Presence and Severity of Obstructive Sleep Apnea in Snoring Patients: Significance of Neck Circumference
Si Eun Kim, Bong Soo Park, Si Hyung Park, Kyong Jin Shin, Sam Yeol Ha, JinSe Park, Kang Min Park
J Korean Sleep Res Soc. 2015;12(2):34-38.   Published online December 31, 2015
DOI: https://doi.org/10.13078/jsm.15007
                           Cited By 16
The Mental Health and Sleep Quality of the Medical Staff at a Hub-Hospital against COVID-19 in South Korea
Doo Hyuk Kwon, Jihye Hwang, Yong Won Cho, Mei Ling Song, Keun Tae Kim
J Korean Sleep Res Soc. 2020;17(1):93-97.   Published online June 30, 2020
DOI: https://doi.org/10.13078/jsm.200016
                           Cited By 16
Clinical Biomarkers of Neurodegeneration in REM Sleep Behavior Disorder
Junying Zhou, Jihui Zhang, Siu Ping Lam, Xiangdong Tang, Yun Kwok Wing
J Korean Sleep Res Soc. 2015;12(2):27-33.   Published online December 31, 2015
DOI: https://doi.org/10.13078/jsm.15006
                           Cited By 14
Assessing Sleep-Wake Pattern and Chronotype with the Korean Munich ChronoType for Shift-Workers in Shift Working Nurses
Su Jung Choi, Sooyeon Suh, Eun Yeon Joo
J Korean Sleep Res Soc. 2017;14(1):23-35.   Published online June 30, 2017
DOI: https://doi.org/10.13078/jsm.17004
Correction in: J Korean Sleep Res Soc 2018 6; 15(1): 35
                           Cited By 14
Cognition in Restless Legs Syndrome
Ki-Young Jung
J Korean Sleep Res Soc. 2015;12(1):1-6.   Published online June 30, 2015
DOI: https://doi.org/10.13078/jsm.15001
                           Cited By 12
Sleep Patterns of Middle & High School Students in Seoul and Their Perceptions of Their Own Sleep
Jee Hyun Kim, Heui-Soo Moon, Hyang Woon Lee
J Korean Sleep Res Soc. 2014;11(1):21-32.   Published online June 30, 2014
DOI: https://doi.org/10.13078/jksrs.14005
                           Cited By 11
Validation of the Korean Bedtime Procrastination Scale in Young Adults
Hyeyoung An, Sun ju Chung, Sooyeon Suh
J Korean Sleep Res Soc. 2019;16(1):41-47.   Published online June 30, 2019
DOI: https://doi.org/10.13078/jsm.19030
                           Cited By 11
Light Exposure and Sleep-Wake Pattern in Rapidly Rotating Shift Nurses
Su Jung Choi, Eun Yeon Joo
J Korean Sleep Res Soc. 2016;13(1):8-14.   Published online June 30, 2016
DOI: https://doi.org/10.13078/jsm.16002
                           Cited By 10
Volume21 No. 2
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A Case of Painful Legs and Moving Toes Syndrome in a Young Woman. J Sleep Med. 2022;19:31-33
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